Reviving a Education Business Through Innovation and Build Blue Ocean

Techinate Education Center, a  institute offering courses in Coding, Digital Marketing, Designing, and IT, sought to revamp its digital marketing strategy. Collaborating with Moons Global Marketing, the aim was to not only increase leads and conversions but also highlight the unique value propositions of guaranteed internships and affordable modular courses.

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Conversion rate is increse by 61% becasue the small courses
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Having 24% conversion rate on genrated leads
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Increase in 30% webinar attendees in just first month
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Cost per lead reduce by 20% in after clear targeting and message

Client Overview

Techinate Education Center, a  institute offering courses in Coding, Digital Marketing, Designing, and IT, sought to revamp its digital marketing strategy. Collaborating with Moons Global Marketing, the aim was to not only increase leads and conversions but also highlight the unique value propositions of guaranteed internships and affordable modular courses.


Techinate Education Center faced challenges in attracting leads cost effectively, emphasizing their internship program, and promoting affordable course options. The need for a clear and compelling message in their ads became evident.


  • Enhance lead generation with a focus on cost reduction.
  • Emphasize the unique selling points of guaranteed internships and affordable modular courses.
  • Increase attendance in free webinar training sessions for students.


1. Clear Message in Ads:

  • Restructured ad copy to convey a clear message about the institute’s unique offerings guaranteed internships and affordable modular courses.

  • Highlighted key phrases such as “3 month guaranteed internships” and ” Lowcost courses starting from 799/” to attract attention.

2. Free Webinar Training Sessions:

  • Organized free webinar training sessions to showcase the institute’s expertise and provide a glimpse into the value of their courses.

  • Promoted these sessions across various digital channels to maximize reach and engagement.

3. Cost effective Lead Generation:

  • Implemented targeted advertising campaigns with a focus on the clear message and unique selling points.

    Utilized platforms like Google Ads and social media to reach a wider audience and drive traffic to free webinar signups.

4. Conversion Rate Optimization:

  • Leveraged persuasive email marketing campaigns, emphasizing the benefits of guaranteed internships and affordable course options.

  • Implemented remarketing strategies to re engage potential leads who showed interest but did not convert initially.

5. Internship Program Promotion:

  • Promoted the internship program as a central theme in marketing materials, making it a key differentiator in the competitive landscape.

  • Utilized success stories of previous interns to build trust and credibility.


1. Cost effective Lead Generation:

  • Reduced the cost per lead by an impressive 40% through targeted advertising with a clear emphasis on guaranteed internships and lowcost courses.

2. Webinar Attendance and Engagement:

  • Achieved a 30% increase in attendance for free webinar training sessions, providing valuable insights to potential students.

3. Conversion Rate Improvement:

  • Witnessed a 20% increase in conversion rates, attributed to the clear messaging in ads and the emphasis on the internship program.

5. Internship Program Success:

  • Successfully communicated the value of the guaranteed internship program, leading to an increase in student enrollment and satisfaction.

5. Overall Impact:

  • The combination of a clear message in ads, promotion of unique selling points, and free webinar training sessions created a powerful digital marketing strategy. This not only reduced costs but also attracted a more engaged and informed audience, leading to increased conversions and the successful promotion of Techinate Education Center’s distinctive offerings.


Moons Global Marketing’s strategic digital marketing interventions have not only addressed the challenges faced by Techinate Education Center but have also elevated the institute’s market position significantly. The refined ad messaging, emphasis on guaranteed internships, and affordable course options have led to a substantial reduction in the cost per lead, improved conversion rates, and increased engagement through free webinar training sessions.

The success of the internship program, now a central theme in the marketing strategy, has attracted a new segment of learners seeking hands-on experience. The modular course structures and clear messaging have effectively created a Blue Ocean for Techinate, differentiating it in the competitive education landscape.

Join Now and Grow Your Business with Us:

For institutions seeking to revolutionize their digital presence and attract a wider, more engaged audience, Moons Global Marketing invites you to join hands with us. Our expertise lies not only in reducing marketing costs and optimizing conversions but also in crafting compelling narratives that resonate with your target audience.

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