Doubling Client Base for Interior Designers in 3 Months

The primary goal was to double the client base within a short span of three months. The focus was on leveraging digital marketing channels, specifically through targeted advertisements and search engine optimization (SEO), to tap into the potential demand for interior design services in various house types across major cities.

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Double their cliental base in just 3 months
0 %
More than 3500% ROAS. It means making 35rs on each 1rs spend
0 %
Increase in lead conversion form 9.35% just doing page optimization
- 0 %
Cost per lead reduce by 20% in after optimization


A prominent interior design firm, specializing in residential projects across major cities in India, faced a challenge in expanding its client base despite providing exceptional design services. The competitive market demanded a unique approach to stand out and attract potential clients.


The primary goal was to double the client base within a short span of three months. The focus was on leveraging digital marketing channels, specifically through targeted advertisements and search engine optimization (SEO), to tap into the potential demand for interior design services in various house types across major cities.


1. Market Research and Targeting:

  • Conducted in-depth research on popular house types in major cities of India and identified specific areas with high demand for interior design services.

2. Strategic SEO

  • Implemented an SEO strategy centered around optimizing the website for relevant keywords related to house types in major cities. This aimed to improve the website’s visibility on search engines and attract organic traffic.

3. Customized Landing Pages

  • Created tailored landing pages for different house types and locations to provide a personalized experience for visitors. These pages were designed to capture leads effectively.

4. PPC Advertising Campaigns:

  • Launched targeted Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising campaigns focusing on specific house types in high-demand areas. Ad creatives were designed to showcase the firm’s expertise and highlight unique selling points.

4. PPC Advertising Campaigns:

  • Launched targeted Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising campaigns focusing on specific house types in high-demand areas. Ad creatives were designed to showcase the firm’s expertise and highlight unique selling points.

5. Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO):

  • Implemented CRO strategies to enhance the lead conversion process. This included optimizing call-to-action buttons, improving form layouts, and refining the overall user experience on the website.


1. Lead Conversion Rate Increase:

  • The optimization efforts resulted in a notable 9.35% increase in lead conversion rates, indicating a more effective conversion funnel.

2. ROAS of 3500%:

  • The PPC advertising campaigns achieved an outstanding Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) of 3500%, signifying a significant return on investment and demonstrating the effectiveness of the advertising strategy.

3. Client Base Doubled:

  • Within the targeted three-month period, the interior design firm successfully doubled its client base, surpassing the initial objective.

Problems and Solutions:

    • Initial Low Conversion Rates: The team identified that the initial low conversion rates were due to unclear calls-to-action on landing pages. This was promptly addressed by refining and clarifying the messaging.

    • Ad Fatigue: To combat ad fatigue and maintain high ROAS, the team continuously refreshed ad creatives and experimented with different ad copies to keep the audience engaged.

    • Regional Variations: The diverse housing preferences in different regions posed a challenge. The solution was to tailor ads and content to suit the specific needs and preferences of each target location.

    • Budget Constraints: Problem: Limited budget for PPC campaigns. Solution: A focused approach on high-converting keywords and strategic bidding helped maximize the impact within the budget constraints.

    • Adapting to Market Changes: Problem: The dynamic nature of the market required constant adaptation. Solution: Regular monitoring of market trends and swift adjustments to advertising strategies ensured the firm remained responsive to evolving client preferences.

In conclusion, Interior Designers firm’s success in doubling their clientele within three months was attributed to a holistic digital marketing strategy, combining SEO, targeted ads, and landing page optimization. The results underscore the importance of a data-driven and adaptive approach to digital marketing for businesses seeking rapid growth.

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