How to shift sale from Amazon Marketplace to own website

Transitioning sales from Amazon Marketplace to your own website requires a strategic approach to retain existing customers, attract new ones, and build a strong online presence. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you shift sales successfully:

But first learn about What is the benefits of switching

Cost Considerations:


Amazon Marketplace’s Fee Structure:

  • On Amazon Marketplace, various fees, including referral fees and fulfillment fees, can add up and significantly reduce your profit margins. In some cases, the cumulative fees might reach up to 60% or more of the product’s selling price.

Additional Advertising Costs:

  • Amazon Marketplace’s advertising services, while effective, come with additional costs. The competitive nature of Amazon Marketplace’s advertising platform may lead to higher bidding prices, resulting in increased advertising expenditures to maintain visibility.

Cost-Effective Strategies on Your Website:

  • Selling through your own website allows you to implement more cost-effective advertising strategies. You can leverage social media, content marketing, and search engine optimization (SEO) to drive traffic without incurring the same level of advertising expenses.

Retaining More Profit:

  • Operating your own website enables you to retain a larger portion of the sale. With fewer intermediary fees and lower advertising costs, you have better control over your profit margins.

Branding Opportunities:


Limited Brand Control on Amazon Marketplace:

  • While Amazon Marketplace provides a vast customer base, it often treats products as commodities. Sellers have limited control over the look and feel of product listings, making it challenging to establish a distinct brand identity.

Full Brand Control on Your Website:

  • Your website serves as a canvas where you have complete control over branding elements. From the website design and layout to product descriptions and storytelling, you can create a unique and memorable brand experience.

Building a Unique Brand Story:

  • Direct sales through your website allow you to tell your brand’s story, showcase its values, and create a connection with customers. This storytelling aspect is vital for building a strong brand presence.

Customer Relationships:


Amazon Marketplace’s Limited Customer Data:

  • Selling on Amazon Marketplace means relinquishing control over customer data. Amazon Marketplace owns and controls customer information, making it challenging to establish direct relationships with buyers.

Collecting Customer Data on Your Website:

  • Operating your website gives you the opportunity to collect valuable customer data, including email addresses. This data becomes a valuable asset for building long-term relationships, implementing targeted marketing campaigns, and encouraging repeat business.

Implementing Personalized Marketing:

  • With customer data from your website, you can implement personalized marketing strategies, such as sending targeted promotions or recommending products based on individual preferences.

Customer Loyalty and Trust:

  • Direct communication through your website fosters customer loyalty and trust. By addressing customer inquiries, providing excellent support, and showing appreciation, you can create a positive and lasting impression.

Overall Business Strategy:

Reducing Dependency on Amazon Marketplace:

  • Relying solely on Amazon Marketplace exposes your business to the risk of policy changes, algorithm updates, or account suspensions. Operating your website reduces dependency and provides more stability.

Diversifying Sales Channels:

  • Operating your own website allows you to diversify your sales channels. By selling on multiple platforms or through different channels, you reduce the risk associated with dependence on a single marketplace.

Long-Term Growth and Stability:

  • Direct sales through your website provide a platform for long-term brand building, stability, and growth. It allows you to establish a unique identity and grow a customer base that is directly connected to your brand.

Steps to move sales form Amazon to Website

Build a Professional Website:

  • Invest in creating a visually appealing, user-friendly website. Consider using e-commerce platforms like Shopify, WooCommerce, or Magento to simplify the setup process.

Offer Incentives:

  • Attract customers to your website by offering exclusive incentives. This could include discounts, special promotions, or bundled deals for purchases made on your site.

Communicate the Move:

  • Use your Amazon Marketplace seller account to post announcements about your new website. Share the advantages of buying directly, such as better prices, exclusive products, or a more personalized shopping experience.

Use Social Media:

  • Leverage platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to announce the launch of your website. Create engaging posts, share behind-the-scenes content, and run targeted ads to reach your Amazon Marketplace audience.

Collect Customer Emails:

  • Encourage Amazon Marketplace customers to join your mailing list. Offer a discount or exclusive content in exchange for their email addresses. Use tools like Mailchimp or Klaviyo to manage and send email campaigns.

Provide Exclusive Content:

  • Create valuable and unique content on your website to attract and retain visitors. This could include blog posts, product tutorials, or customer success stories that showcase the personality of your brand.

Optimize for Search Engines (SEO):

  • Implement SEO best practices on your website. Conduct keyword research, optimize product descriptions, and use meta tags to improve your site’s visibility on search engines.

Implement a Loyalty Program:

  • Introduce a loyalty program to reward customers for repeat purchases. This can foster customer loyalty and encourage them to choose your website over competitors.

Optimize Product Listings:

  • Ensure that each product on your website has a detailed and compelling product description. High-quality images, clear pricing, and accurate information contribute to a positive customer experience.

Streamline Checkout Process:

  • Simplify the checkout process on your website to minimize friction. Consider offering guest checkout options and multiple payment methods to accommodate various customer preferences.

Utilize Email Marketing:

  • Regularly communicate with your email subscribers. Send newsletters with updates on new products, promotions, and exclusive offers. Personalize emails based on customer preferences and behavior. But for doing this you need customer email.

Retargeting Ads:

  • Use retargeting ads to remind potential customers about your website after they visit your Amazon Marketplace store. This can help maintain brand awareness and encourage them to explore your offerings further.

Maintain Customer Support:

  • Provide excellent customer support through various channels, such as live chat, email, or a dedicated customer support phone line. Address customer inquiries promptly to build trust and satisfaction.

Monitor Analytics:

  • Utilize website analytics tools (e.g., Google Analytics) to track visitor behavior. Understand where your traffic is coming from, which products are popular, and identify areas for improvement.

Collaborate with Influencers:

  • Partner with influencers in your industry or niche. Influencers can help promote your website to their followers, expanding your reach and establishing credibility.

Gradual Transition:

  • Consider a phased approach to the transition. Keep some products on Amazon Marketplace initially to maintain a presence, but actively encourage customers to explore your website by promoting exclusive deals and content.

Provide Seamless Experience:

  • Ensure consistency between your Amazon Marketplace and website offerings. Maintain similar pricing, shipping policies, and return procedures to make the transition seamless for customers.

In conclusion, selling through your own website offers financial advantages, greater control over branding, and the opportunity to build meaningful customer relationships. While Amazon Marketplace can provide a valuable initial boost in sales, a well-thought-out strategy that combines both channels or gradually shifts focus to your website can contribute to the long-term success of your business.By implementing these steps, you can successfully shift sales from Amazon Marketplace to your own website. The key is to provide added value, communicate the benefits, and create a positive and compelling online shopping experience for your cust.