150+ Orders for Print Dost through SEO and Paid Ads

The main objective of this campaign was to increase the visibility of Print Dost’s website and attract relevant traffic that would convert into orders. Moons Global Marketing aimed to achieve this by implementing a comprehensive digital marketing strategy that focused on both SEO and paid advertising techniques.

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Generated over 150+ order in first month.
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Having 20% conversion rate on PPC campaings.
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Increase in organic Traffic in 2 Months with More Conversion.
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Reduction in Cost Per Order with continuous efforts of conversion opt.


Print Dost is a leading corporate printing company that offers a wide range of printing services, including business cards, brochures, flyers, and custom printing solutions. Despite their high-quality services and competitive pricing, Print Dost faced challenges in increasing their online visibility and attracting a steady stream of orders through their website. They partnered with Moons Global Marketing to leverage a comprehensive digital marketing strategy to enhance their online presence, drive relevant traffic, and ultimately boost orders.


The main objective of this campaign was to increase the visibility of Print Dost’s website and attract relevant traffic that would convert into orders. Moons Global Marketing aimed to achieve this by implementing a comprehensive digital marketing strategy that focused on both SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and paid advertising techniques.


1. Google My Business Optimization::

  • Local Area Keywords Optimization: Tailored GMB profiles with location-specific keywords to ensure Print Dost appeared prominently in local searches. For instance, keywords like “corporate printing services Noida” and “business card printing Noida” were strategically used.
  • Accurate Information: Ensured all business details, such as address, phone number, and business hours, were accurate and up-to-date to facilitate easy contact and navigation. This included verifying the business on Google Maps to ensure customers could easily find Print Dost’s physical location.
  • Engaging Visuals: Uploaded high-quality images showcasing Print Dost’s facilities, products, and services to make the listing visually appealing and informative. Photos included the printing machines, samples of printed materials, and images of the team at work.
  • Regular Updates: Regularly updated GMB profiles with fresh content, such as posts, events, and offers, to keep the audience engaged and informed. For example, posts about new printing techniques, special discounts, or upcoming trade shows were shared.
  • 5-Star Reviews: Encouraged satisfied clients to leave positive reviews on GMB, leveraging them as powerful social proof to build credibility and trust. Review prompts were sent to clients after the delivery of services.
  • Review Management: Monitored and responded to reviews promptly, whether positive or negative, to demonstrate excellent customer service and address any concerns effectively. This also included addressing any negative feedback constructively and offering solutions.
  • Local SEO Impact: Enhanced GMB optimization contributed to improved local search rankings, making Print Dost more visible to potential clients in their vicinity. This led to increased foot traffic and inquiries from local businesses.
  • Customer Engagement: Actively engaged with the local community through GMB’s Q&A feature, addressing queries promptly to establish a rapport and build trust. Common questions about pricing, service details, and turnaround times were answered.

2. SEO Strategy:

  • Keyword Research: Conducted extensive keyword research to identify relevant and high-converting search terms related to corporate printing services. Keywords such as “best printing services for businesses,“custom brochure printing,” and “fast business card printing” were targeted.
  • On-Page Optimization: Optimized Print Dost’s website with relevant keywords in meta tags, headings, content, and image alt tags for higher search engine rankings. Each page, including the homepage, service pages, and blog posts, was meticulously optimized.
  • Content Creation: Created high-quality and engaging content, including informative blog posts and articles, to establish Print Dost as a thought leader and attract organic traffic. Topics covered included “Top 10 Design Tips for Business Cards,” “The Benefits of High-Quality Brochure Printing,” and Testimonials of successful client projects.
  • Backlinking Strategy: Developed a robust backlinking strategy to improve the authority and credibility of Print Dost’s website. This involved securing backlinks from reputable industry websites, local business directories, and guest blogging on related sites.
  • Technical SEO: Ensured the website was technically sound with proper site architecture, fast loading times, and mobile responsiveness. This included optimizing images for faster loading, ensuring all pages were HTTPS secure, and creating an XML sitemap for better indexing.
  • User Experience (UX): Enhanced the user experience on the website by simplifying navigation, improving the layout, and making it easy for visitors to find and order the services they need. Clear calls to action (CTAs), such as “Get a Quote” and “Order Now,” were prominently placed.

3. Paid Ads Strategy:

  • Market Research: Conducted thorough market research to identify target audience demographics, interests, and online behavior. This included analyzing competitor strategies and understanding the needs of corporate clients.
  • Compelling Ad Copies: Created compelling ad copies and visuals to capture the attention of potential clients. Ad headlines like “Premium Business Card Printing – Fast Turnaround” and “Custom Brochures for Your Business – Order Now!” were tested.
  • Advanced Targeting: Utilized advanced targeting options provided by various advertising platforms (such as Google Ads, Facebook Ads) to reach the most relevant audience. This included demographic targeting, interest-based targeting, and retargeting campaigns for visitors who previously visited the site but did not convert.
  • Conversion Tracking: Implemented conversion tracking to measure the effectiveness of paid campaigns and optimize them for better results. This involved setting up goals in Google Analytics and using Facebook Pixel for tracking.
  • A/B Testing: Split-tested / AB Testing ad variations to identify the most effective messaging and design elements. Multiple ad versions were tested to see which ones had the highest click-through rates (CTR) and conversion rates.
  • Budget Management: Optimized the budget allocation based on performance data to ensure the highest ROI. Ads that performed well were given more budget, while underperforming ads were paused or adjusted.


1. SEO results:

  • Increased Organic Traffic: Increased organic traffic to Print Dost’s website by 80% within the first two months of implementing the SEO strategy. The website saw a steady rise in daily visitors from search engines.
  • Improved Search Rankings: Achieved a significant improvement in search engine rankings for the targeted keywords. Many of the primary keywords moved to the first page of Google search results.
  • Enhanced Visibility: Enhanced the visibility of Print Dost’s website on various search engines, resulting in increased brand exposure and credibility. This visibility translated into more inquiries and website engagement.

2. Paid ads results:

  • Qualified Orders: Generated over 150 qualified orders within the first month of running paid ad campaigns. This included both new and repeat customers placing large orders.
  • High Conversion Rate: Achieved a conversion rate of 20% from paid ads, which is significantly higher than industry averages. The high conversion rate indicated that the ads were effectively reaching the right audience.
  • Reduced Cost Per Order: Reduced the cost per order by 25% through continuous optimization of paid campaigns. This was achieved by refining the targeting, improving ad creatives, and optimizing bidding strategies.

Problems and Solutions:

    1. Problem: Low organic visibility and search engine rankings for Print Dost’s website.
      • Solution: Implemented a comprehensive SEO strategy, including keyword research, on-page optimization, content creation, and backlinking, which resulted in higher search engine rankings and increased organic traffic.
    2. Problem: Difficulty in reaching the target audience effectively through paid ads.
      • Solution: Conducted extensive market research to identify the target audience’s demographics, interests, and online behavior, which helped in creating highly targeted and effective ad campaigns.
    3. Problem: High cost per order from paid advertising campaigns.
      • Solution: Continuously optimized the paid campaigns through split testing, ad variations, and conversion tracking, resulting in a 20% reduction in cost per lead

Customer Engagement and Feedback:

    • Engagement Strategies: Engaged with customers through various digital platforms. Social media accounts were used to share client testimonials, showcase recent projects, and offer promotions. Email marketing campaigns were also conducted to keep customers informed about new services and special offers.
    • Feedback Implementation: Collected feedback from customers to improve service offerings and the overall customer experience. Surveys were sent post-order, and suggestions were actively implemented.

Challenges and Overcoming Them:

    • Seasonal Fluctuations: Addressed seasonal fluctuations in order volume by planning targeted campaigns during peak times, such as end-of-year corporate events, product launches, and trade shows.
    • Competitive Market: Differentiated Print Dost in a competitive market by highlighting unique selling points (USPs) such as fast turnaround times, high-quality materials, and exceptional customer service.

By implementing a data-driven approach using both SEO and paid ads, Moons Global Marketing successfully generated orders for Print Dost. The combination of SEO and paid advertising not only increased organic visibility but also targeted potential clients effectively, resulting in a significant increase in qualified orders. The results achieved demonstrated the power of a comprehensive digital marketing strategy tailored to the needs of the printing business and helped Print Dost establish a strong online presence while growing their business.

Contact Us:

Ready to generate orders for your printing business? Contact Moons Global Marketing today for a complimentary consultation and discover how our data-driven strategies can help you achieve better results. Reach out to us at Conncet@moonsglobal.com  or Anish@moonsglobal.com or visit our website at www.moonsglobal.com.

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